Dance World up is the biggest Dance Competition in the World!  In 2024 we had 10,000 dancers compete from 64 Countries.
Dance World Cup 2024 in Prague, Czech Republic was won by Team England, with Team Scotland coming in 4th place and Team Wales in 5th place.  Team Northern Ireland won many medals and points for their Country.
Dance World Cup 2025 will be held at the Forum Evolucion in Burgos Spain 3-12 July 2025.

Dance World Cup UK organises an official Qualifier Heat for the UK Teams - England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.  This is by Video Audition, with a panel of Dance World Cup Judges selecting the Teams.

Deadline for entries for 2025 - 6 November 2024 for England, Scotland and Wales.  Deadline for Northern Ireland 10 January 2025.

Please contact UK Teams Manager if you have any questions - Jo Arnett-Morrice
UK Team Manager + Ireland Team Manager
Mobile: 07909962520

Instagram: @dwc_uk_teams
Facebook: Dance Team England Scotland Wales and Northern Ireland Dance World Cup
Please note: It is against the copyright to download any images -  Privacy Policy
Proud To Dance
Terms & Conditions
All dancers entering the Video Audition Qualifier for the UK Teams must become a Dance World Cup Member - the term “member” is the name used to describe the group of people that access DWC services and benefits via a subscription programme.

By entering Dance World Cup UK Qualifiers you agree to the Rules and Regulations of Dance World Cup

Where a Dance Teacher is accepting these terms and conditions on behalf of their students it is the responsibility of the dance school/teacher to obtain permission from the student/parent/guardian/carer of the student.

DWC UK Ltd privacy policy - through the membership registration and renewals process, we will collect the required data about the member and/or the member’s dance school.  We endeavour to take all reasonable measures to protect this data whilst it is in our care.  We only collect dancers name and date of birth.  We will not share this data with a third party.

The DWC Member gives permission for DWC Ltd and DWC UK Ltd to video and photograph them.  The member gives permission for these videos/photos to be used on DWC and DWC UK websites, live streaming, social media outlets and any promotional material.

The Dance Teacher/School is responsible for accepting these terms and conditions on behalf of the students for whom they are applying for membership.  It is the responsibility of the dance school/teacher to obtain permission from the member/parent/guardian/carer of the member.

Payments for the Qualifier are non-refundable if you do not qualify or choose not to attend.
Vibrant vector logo depicting child protection - keep children safe. File includes vertical, horizontal and grayscale logo version. Logo is made from two adult persons male and female which are with hands creating a shape of a house above a small child icon in the middle.